In-house unique know-how is also made into teaching materials.Support for introducing online training systems

"Do you think that "e-learning" and "online training" are only limited to packaged educational themes? With our original materials, it is possible to develop human resources centered around "online"."

As teleworking becomes more widespread, it has become difficult for companies to provide employee education through on-the-job training and group training as they have done in the past.
Therefore, many companies are considering introducing e-learning and online training.
However, these services often have generic themes and cannot provide training for a company's core skills, which is a common concern we hear.
At Human Science Co., Ltd., we offer LMS (e-learning delivery platform) services and also provide support for creating training materials so that employees can acquire both generic and core skills.
Furthermore, we also offer support for companies who want to establish an in-house training system.


Over 2,331 materials have been created since the start of our services in 2000.
We will convert and monetize your company's unique expertise into online training.

At Human Science Co., Ltd., we have solved over 2,331 challenges for our customers, including large corporations.
Using the expertise we have gained from these experiences, we will help you turn your unique knowledge into e-learning materials and assets for educational content.
We will leverage our knowledge and experience to help you create valuable e-learning materials and assets.

Supporting Achievements

Service Details

Sales of Teaching Materials

At Human Science, we also sell educational content for general skills.
No minimum number of users, 800 yen per user~ You can start using it.
We offer the following themes, so please take a look.

Implementation Results

Created a total of 90 educational materials using our unique expertise from 2010 to 2018.

NIPPON DENSETSU KOGYO CO.,LTD., which operates nationwide from Hokkaido to Kyushu, is engaged in railway electrical work, general electrical work, and information and communication work.
In order to expand educational opportunities for more than 2,000 employees nationwide, they were considering introducing e-learning. Human Science proposed "animation explanation type" content to help understand topics unique to NIPPON DENSETSU KOGYO CO.,LTD., such as accident prevention, technology and skills, and business procedures. After a competition among 8 companies, we received an order and have created a total of 90 materials between 2010 and 2018.


  • QPlease tell me the usage fee for LMS.
    Please check the "LMS (e-learning learning management system) function and features" here.
  • QWhat procedures are there for increasing or decreasing the number of users of LMS?
    The LMS you use will vary. The process for changing users will be explained when the LMS is introduced.
  • QI would like to try a sample of e-learning materials. Is it possible?
    You can check the sample materials here from.
  • QI would like to request a quote for creating e-learning materials.
    You can request a quote from here.
  • QI want to promote the in-house production of training materials, but I am worried about the quality.
    We will clarify the completed image and purpose, and support you with the accumulated know-how over 18 years to ensure the quality of the teaching materials, so please rest assured.

Contact Us

For any questions or inquiries regarding e-learning implementation and creation of teaching materials, please feel free to contact us using the form below.


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    Company Profile

    Company name
    Human Science Co., Ltd.
    ・Manual creation
    ・Education & e-learning
    ・AI annotation
    ・Staffing Inquire about our services (Free)
    Business Qualifications
    Obtained Specific Worker Dispatch Business Qualification (1995)
    Obtained General Worker Dispatch Business Qualification (2005)
    Representative Director Tsuyoshi Kumazawa
    Director Iwasaki Yoshihiro
    Director Daishiro Ishiguro
    Director Tatsuo Tomioka
    Initial capital
    30 million yen
    March 1985
    Number of Employees
    118 people
    Banks of Account
    Mitsui Sumitomo Bank Shimotakaido Branch
    Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank Sasazuka Branch
    Mizuho Bank Chofu-Sengawa Branch
    Headquarters Tokyo (Shinjuku Ward, Nishi-Shinjuku)
    Nagoya Office (Naka Ward, Nagoya)
    Human Science USA, Inc. (San Francisco)
    Affiliated Organizations
    Japan Technical Communicators Association (JTCA)
    Japan Translation Federation (JTF)
    Japan e-Learning Consortium (eLC)
    Globalization and Localization Association (GALA)
    Translation Automation User Society (TAUS)
    Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT)
    DITA Consortium Japan
    Moodle Association of Japan
    Artificial Intelligence Society