In-house unique know-how and skills DXe-learning introduction support service

Our company's expertise is highly unique.
Is e-learning really that difficult?
Have you given up on it?

As teleworking becomes more widespread, it has become difficult for companies to conduct employee education through on-the-job training and group seminars.
In order to support the future growth of the company, it is important to find ways to implement face-to-face education through teleworking, conveying your company's unique know-how.

  • The education that has been done through OJT so far has been difficult to implement in telework...
  • Our unique expertise has been taught in person until now, but what should we do from now on...
  • Considering
    introducing e-learning
    but worried if it will work

Human Science provides support for instructional material creation and assistance with the introduction and operation of e-learning systems.

At Human Science Co., Ltd., we have solved over 2,331 challenges for our customers, including large corporations.
Using the expertise we have gained from these experiences, we will help you turn your unique knowledge into e-learning materials and assets for educational content.
We will leverage our knowledge and experience to help you create valuable e-learning materials and assets.

Supporting Achievements

Why choose Human Science?

Utilize your company's unique knowledge based on over 35 years of manual creation expertise and turn it into educational material.

At Human Science Co., Ltd., since 1985, we have been proposing optimal instruction manuals, technical documents, help, and FAQs for our customers in the manufacturing and IT industries. We also have a track record of translating and localizing e-learning materials for understanding company culture and acquiring business and technical skills for Japanese companies expanding globally, with a total of 273 companies and 3,164 projects completed at overseas locations.

Multilingual translation is also possible. 50 languages are supported.

Since its service launch in 2000, Human Science Co., Ltd. has created over 1900 e-learning materials. In addition to e-learning material creation, we also offer translation and localization solutions.
With the collaboration of 50 in-house translation directors and 339 translators, we provide one-stop translation and editing services for materials.
We also cater to a wide range of requests, such as localization to comply with local laws and customs.

English (US, UK, Australian)
Asian languages Chinese (simplified/traditional), Korean, Thai, Lao, Malay, Vietnamese, Burmese, Tagalog, Indonesian, Turkish, Hindi, Kazakh
Western languages French, Italian, German, Spanish, Iberian Portuguese, Dutch, Greek
Eastern European languages Czech, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Slovenian, Slovak, Estonian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Belarusian, Georgian, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Armenian, Macedonian
Nordic languages Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish
Middle Eastern languages Arabic and Hebrew
North American languages Canadian French
South American languages Brazilian Portuguese, Latin Spanish, Mexican Spanish

LMS is the corporate version of Moodle, the world's No.1 share learning management system.
Highly functional with low cost and excellent performance.

Totara Learn is an LMS (Learning Management System) for companies and organizations that offers basic learning management functions from the world's No.1 LMS "Moodle", as well as specialized features for talent development within the company. It is used by 1,400 companies and 10 million people worldwide.
It can be used by small offices to global enterprise companies, and offers significant cost savings in terms of implementation and running costs compared to other enterprise LMS with similar features, due to its open source nature and subscription-based model.

Personalized Learning Experience through Organizational Hierarchy Management and Team Management

Support for Group Training and Blended Learning

Performance Management

Certification & Badges

Providing Optimal Learning for Job and Organizational Needs through Competency and Learning Plans

Flexible report creation using
report editor

Multilingual Support
(28 countries)

Implementation Results

Produced a total of 100 educational materials using our unique expertise from 2010 to 2018.

NIPPON DENSETSU KOGYO CO.,LTD., which operates nationwide from Hokkaido to Kyushu, is engaged in railway electrical work, general electrical work, and information and communication work.
In order to expand educational opportunities for more than 2,000 employees nationwide, they were considering introducing e-learning. Human Science proposed "animation explanation type" content to help understand topics unique to NIPPON DENSETSU KOGYO CO.,LTD., such as accident prevention, technology and skills, and business procedures. After a competition among 8 companies, we received an order and have created a total of 90 materials between 2010 and 2018.

E-learning video production for hydraulic excavator painting technology

Target Shovel painting worker at the factory


Previously, it was conducted through group training.
We explained the painting technique photos with PowerPoint and conducted practical training.


Convert painting techniques into videos and incorporate them into LMS for distribution
With the ability to convey movements and expressions that are difficult to understand through photos, such as techniques for painting with the appropriate thickness.
Not only successful examples, but also failures that are difficult to reproduce in practice can now be communicated.
An English version has also been created and is used for education in overseas factories.

E-learning video production for maintenance work at the factory

Target Employees at the Factory


Maintenance work for machine failures and quality issues was personalized.
Although a checklist existed, it was not utilized and became obsolete.


Convert maintenance tasks into videos and integrate/distribute them on LMS
Standardize maintenance tasks, create videos of the content, and integrate/distribute them on LMS.
Achieve consistency in educational content.
An English version is also created and used for education in overseas factories.

Support Process


  • QAre there any restrictions on the industry or training content?
    No restrictions. Can create from professional content to general content.
  • QIs it possible to create visual and animated effects?
    Possible. For more information, please contact us.
  • QI would like to try a sample of e-learning materials. Is it possible?
    Sample teaching materials can be checked here.
  • QI would like to request a quote for creating e-learning materials.
    You can request a quote here.
  • QIs LMS customizable?
    Possible. We will utilize our experience in LMS implementation and operation to propose and respond to additional functions and customization tailored to your goals, operation details, etc. of our customers.

Contact Us

For any questions or inquiries regarding e-learning implementation and creation of teaching materials, please feel free to contact us using the form below.