



"ATD 2016 JAPAN SUMMIT" Exhibition Announcement

We will be exhibiting at the "ATD 2016 JAPAN SUMMIT" to be held on November 22, 2016 (Tuesday) at SMBC Hall (Tokyo, Otemachi).

"ATD 2016 JAPAN SUMMIT" is a conference that caters to the needs of professional talent development. In today's globalized business environment, information that Japanese learning practitioners should know in order to enhance the potential of companies will be introduced.

Exhibition Overview

Period: November 22, 2016 (Tuesday) 8:30-18:00
Venue: SMBC Hall (Tokyo, Otemachi)

For more details on the exhibition, please refer to the following link. (Pre-registration required)

Booth Highlights

Realize with Infographics!
Global e-Learning that "Communicates" through Visualizing Information

As our latest course creation service, we introduce global e-Learning created with infographics.
We also offer services such as "Operational Support for Global Training", "Course Creation for Microlearning", and "Multilingual Translation (support for approximately 40 languages) and Localization".

Slide Sample

Support for In-House Education with Totara LMS
We would like to introduce Totara LMS, a highly functional LMS used worldwide.
With Totara LMS, you can not only deliver e-learning, but also manage attendance for group training.
In addition to taking individual courses, you can create learning plans and set competency frameworks, allowing for operation in line with talent development strategies.
*Human Science is the only official partner in Japan.