e-Learning Seminars




【Web Seminar】Rapid Expansion of Moodle Usage due to COVID-19! Latest Updates on Classes and Training Using LMS


Web Seminar Hosted by Mitsuya Trading Co., Ltd. on August 30, 2021 (Monday)

"Rapid Expansion of Moodle Usage Due to COVID-19! Latest Updates on Classes and Training Using LMS"

Director and President, Tsuyoshi Kumazawa, will be speaking.

With the rapid shift towards online classes and training, equipment and environments have been somewhat prepared, but the management of student learning has not been able to keep up with the online transition. We are considering implementing it, but with the existence of various LMS, it is difficult to know how to select and introduce them.
In this seminar, we will introduce the basic functions and considerations based on case studies of Moodle, one of the representative LMS (Learning Management System), and provide solutions.

Date and Time

August 30, 2021 (Monday) 15:00-16:20
Format: Zoom
Participation Fee: Free

How to Participate

Please apply from the Mitani Corporation website.


Part 1: 15:00 ~ 15:50
Latest Trends in Using Moodle for Classes and Training

【Speaker】President and Director of Human Science Co., Ltd., Tsuyoshi Kumazawa
The use of Moodle has rapidly expanded due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this seminar, we will introduce the basics of LMS (Learning Management System), case studies of implementation, the current situation of Moodle usage based on customer feedback, the latest challenges, and potential solutions.

Part 2 15:50 ~ 16:20
Class Management Using Apple Classroom

【Speaker】Wants Japan Co., Ltd.
Are you struggling with managing classes in a BYOD environment? In this seminar, we will introduce how to conduct classes using Apple Classroom for iPad and Mac.


Related Services

Moodle Implementation and Operation