



"Corporate Compliance Measures <Basic Knowledge Edition>" e-Learning Manuscript (PPT) Provision Service Sales Start

We will start selling the service of providing e-learning manuscripts "Compliance Measures for Companies <Basic Knowledge Edition>".

Compliance is one of the essential management issues for modern companies.
This material introduces basic concepts, penalties for violations, and points for avoiding violations in order to raise awareness of compliance and prevent violations.

It is more effective to learn together with "Compliance Measures for Companies <Case Studies>" released on the same day.

This teaching material is provided in manuscript format (PowerPoint, Excel).
Since it allows for customization by the customer and the creation of teaching materials using their own tools,
it can resolve concerns such as:
"I want to adjust the content for my company"
"I want to delete just this part"
"I want to add the latest information"
.Additionally, by using the attached awareness survey sheet, you can investigate the learners' awareness in advance, visualize the organization's challenges, and implement optimal education.

<Course Main Content Creation Example, Course content can be freely changed by the customer>
Corporate Compliance Measures: Basic Knowledge Edition_capture01

<Optimal Course Design Support Awareness Survey Sheet>
Corporate Compliance Measures: Basic Knowledge Edition_capture02

■Table of Contents(Study Time: Approximately 15 minutes)

・Consciousness Survey Sheet *1
・Main Content *2
 - Basic Concepts of Compliance
 - Background of Compliance Emphasis
 - Sanctions for Compliance Violations
 - Causes of Violations
 - How to Avoid Violations
 - What to Do if You Notice a Violation
 - Introduction of Consultation Desk
・Confirmation Test *1

*1: Excel format
*2: Includes PowerPoint format, slides, and narration description

■Sales Price

98,000 yen (excluding tax)

Please feel free to consult with us about course design, customization, and materialization.


■Contact Information for This Matter

Phone Number: 03-5321-3111