e-Learning Service Terms of Use

Article 1 (Application of this Terms of Use)

  • This Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") shall apply to the e-Learning service (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") provided by Human Science Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") to customers (hereinafter referred to as "Customers") and learners (if used, shall be applied in common.
  • Customers and students of this service shall comply with these terms and conditions.

Article 2 (Scope of this Agreement)

  • If our company establishes individual agreements related to this agreement, those individual agreements shall constitute a part of this agreement.

Article 3 (Amendment of this Agreement)

  • Our company reserves the right to modify the contents of this agreement without obtaining the consent of customers and students, if such changes are deemed to be in the best interest of our customers and students.
  • We will display the changed terms of use and the effective date of the changed terms on our website (URL: https://www.science.co.jp) in response to the changes to the terms of use mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

Article 4 (Customers and Students)

  • A customer refers to an individual (corporation or other organization) who applies for the use of our services and is granted customer status by our company upon approval of the application.
  • A participant refers to a user of this service designated by the customer, and approved by our company after examination.
  • Customers and students are deemed to have accepted the contents of these terms and conditions at the time of starting to use this service.

Article 5 (Principle of Self-Responsibility)

  • If the participant uses this service, the customer shall bear all obligations and responsibilities, including payment of usage fees.
  • Customers are responsible for the use and management of learner IDs and passwords. Our company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by customers or learners due to the use of their IDs and passwords by third parties.
  • We shall not be liable for any damages or obligations arising from the use of this service by customers and students.
  • If the customer or student violates this agreement and causes damage to our company, the customer and the student shall jointly compensate our company for such damage.

Article 6 (Usage Environment of this Service)

  • Customers and learners are responsible for procuring the necessary communication equipment, software, and other necessary equipment and communication services at their own expense and responsibility in order to use this service.
  • Customers and learners shall use this service under the operating environment set by our company. In environments other than the one set by our company, all or part of this service may not be available.
  • For downloading plugins and other software, it is the responsibility and cost of the customer and trainee to carry out, and our company will not be held responsible for any issues.
  • Even if used under the operating environment set by our company, we shall not be held responsible for any malfunctions or operational failures of this service caused by software or applications owned by customers or trainees.

Article 7 (Refusal and Cancellation of Qualifications)

  • If, as a result of the examination under Article 4, it is found that a person who wishes to become a customer falls under any of the following items, we may refuse to grant customer qualification.
    (1) When a person who wishes to become a customer engages in a prohibited act under Article 14, or has engaged in a prohibited act under the same article in the past.
    (2) When there is a false statement, incorrect entry, or omission in the declaration items at the time of application for use.
    (3) When we determine that it is inappropriate for us to become a customer for any other reason.
  • Our company may revoke customer qualifications even after they have been granted, if it is discovered that the customer falls under any of the reasons listed in the preceding paragraph.
  • Even if our company revokes customer or student qualifications based on the preceding items, the customer is still responsible for paying the usage fees until the revocation.

Article 8 (Change of Registered Information)

  • Customers are required to promptly report any changes to their registration information to our company.
  • Even if the customer or student suffers any disadvantage due to not submitting the previous notification, our company will not be held responsible for it.

Article 9 (Prohibition of Transfer of Customer Qualifications, etc.)

  • Customers and students are not allowed to transfer or lend their customer or student qualifications to third parties.

Article 10 (Contract Period)

  • The contract period for this service shall be determined separately.

Article 11 (Treatment after Termination of Contract)

  • Our company will delete any data, files, etc. registered on our system, such as IDs and learning history, in the event that the contract with the customer is terminated for any reason.

Article 12 (Usage Fee for this Service)

  • The pricing system, calculation method, payment method, etc. of this service shall be determined separately by our company and may be revised at any time.
  • The tax rate used for calculating consumption tax and other taxes shall be the legally effective tax rate at the time of calculation.

Article 13 (Payment of Usage Fees)

  • Customers shall fulfill their obligations, such as payment of usage fees, in the manner specified by our company.

Article 14 (Prohibited Matters)

  • Customers and learners are strictly prohibited from engaging in any of the following acts regarding this service, either by themselves or by a third party.
    (1) Acts that violate laws or public order and morals
    (2) Acts that infringe upon our intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, or other rights or interests related to our company or this service
    (3) Unauthorized access
    (4) Hacking and cracking
    (5) Unauthorized downloading (downloading of content or other materials that are clearly abnormal in terms of quantity or frequency)
    (6) Accessing this service and obtaining information related to this service through programs such as crawlers or other similar means
    (7) Using information obtained through this service or using this service for business activities or preparations for such activities for profit (excluding cases approved by our company).
  • If we determine that the above actions have been taken, we may notify our customers and students and request a response.

Article 15 (Limitation of Private Use of Copyrights and Trademarks)

  • All copyrights related to all data, information, text, images, software, and any other works included in this service belong to our company and the information providers to our company. Customers and students may only use the information obtained through this service for private or internal use purposes recognized by the copyright law, and may not reproduce, transmit to the public, publish, distribute, etc. the information without our permission, or use it beyond the scope of private or internal use purposes.
  • All trademarks, service marks, logos, etc. included in this service are our registered trademarks or trademarks. Customers and students are not allowed to use them without permission for purposes other than personal or internal use.

Article 16 (Changes to the Content of this Service)

  • Our company may change the content of this service without prior notice to customers and learners.

Article 17 (Temporary Interruption of Service)

  • Our company may temporarily suspend this service without prior notice to customers and students in the following cases:
    (1) When regular or emergency maintenance of the system or related equipment for providing this service is carried out.
    (2) When the provision of communication lines, electricity, etc. used by our company is interrupted.
    (3) When the provision of this service becomes impossible due to fire, power outage, etc.
    (4) When a natural disaster such as an earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, tsunami, or other emergency occurs, or when there is a risk of such an event, and when there is a request or instruction from laws or regulations to restrict communication, or when our company deems it necessary.
    (5) In other cases where our company deems it necessary to temporarily suspend this service for operational or technical reasons.
  • We shall not be liable for any damages incurred by customers, students, or third parties due to delays or interruptions in the provision of this service, except for the reasons listed in the preceding items.

Article 18 (Service Suspension)

  • Our company may suspend the provision of this service with a 3-month notice period to customers and users on this service.
  • We shall not be liable for any damages or compensation to customers, users, or third parties resulting from the suspension of this service, as long as the procedures in the preceding paragraph have been followed.

Article 19 (Confidentiality)

  • We will not disclose or leak any personal information of customers and learners that we have acquired in providing this service to third parties.

Article 20 (Handling of Personal Information)

  • When providing this service, we will handle the personal information of customers and students that we have acquired in accordance with the "Privacy Policy" posted on our website.
  • Our company will use the information of registered IDs, passwords, or IP addresses in the system to authenticate customers and learners.

Article 21 (Disclaimer)

  • We shall not be liable for any damages incurred by customers or learners as a result of using or being unable to use this service, as long as we provide this service in accordance with these terms and conditions.
  • In the event that our company is liable for damages to customers or students, excluding the previous clause, the total amount of our compensation shall be limited to the usage fee for this service that we have received from the customer.

Article 22 (Agreed Jurisdiction Court)

  • All disputes related to this agreement shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.

Article 23 (Governing Law)

  • This agreement shall be governed by Japanese law.

    Supplementary Provisions

    • This agreement will be effective from December 1, 2020.