LXP that strongly supports corporate talent development

Totara Learn

LMS for Corporations and Organizations Used by 1,800 Companies and 16 Million People in 49 Countries Worldwide

Totara Learn is an enterprise learning experience platform (LXP) that adds and enhances features to meet the business needs of companies and organizations, in addition to the basic functions of an LMS.
It is used by companies and organizations of various sizes, from small offices to enterprise companies, regardless of industry or business type. Currently, it is being used by over 1,800 companies (organizations) and more than 16 million users in 49 countries around the world.

Business History



What is LMS?

LMS, or Learning Management System, is an abbreviation for a learning management system that is necessary for conducting e-learning. It is used to manage the delivery of learning materials, as well as the management of group training, learner performance, and progress history.
It has functions such as login, course creation, learning material registration, and attendance management.
In Japan, it has been introduced in companies since around 2000, and since 2020, the demand for online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated its adoption not only in companies, but also in universities and other institutions.
In recent years, there has been an increase in systems that can be operated as a Learning Experience Platform (LXP) that integrates performance management of employees and provides a learning experience tailored to each employee.
When selecting an LMS, key points to consider include "purpose/goal," "on-premises or cloud," "simple functions (focused on delivering learning materials and managing history) or advanced functions (covering talent development and organizational development)," and "how to integrate with HR systems."

Features of Totara Learn

High-performance, low-cost excellent cost performance

Totara Learn is an LMS (Learning Management System) for companies and organizations that specializes in adding and enhancing features tailored to the needs of talent development within the company, in addition to basic learning management functions. It is used by 18 million people in 1,800 companies in 49 countries around the world.
It is open source and can be used by both small offices and global enterprise companies. It also offers a subscription service, allowing for significant cost savings in both initial implementation and ongoing maintenance compared to other enterprise LMS with similar features.

Personalized Learning Experience through Organizational Hierarchy Management and Team Management

Support for Group Training and Blended Learning

Performance Management

Certification & Badges

Providing Optimal Learning for Job and Organizational Needs through Competency and Learning Plans

Flexible report creation using
report editor

Multilingual Support
(28 countries)



■Comparison with Enterprise-Compatible LMS


   Totara Learn Company A Company B C Company
Target User Scale From small offices to
100 to 500 employees 300 to 1000 people Large-scale
or more
Related Functions
e-Learning Delivery
Submit Task Close Close Good
Test Survey Good Good Not good
Content Creation and Management Good Not good Not good
Group Training Management Good Close Close
Human Resource Development &
Management Function
Organization Management Not good Good
Performance Management Good Close Close
Report Creation and Management Good Not good Not good Good
Certification and Badge Award Good Close Close Good
Social Function Good Close Not good
Multi-device support Good Good
Supported Languages Japanese and English
36 language support
Japanese Japanese and English Standard 8 Languages
External Linkage Good Close Not good
Customize Close Close Not good
Form of Provision Cloud (e-CoreLea) ·
Cloud Cloud On-Premises Cloud On-Premises
Operating Costs ~500 users $3,500
1 user 300 yen
1 user 500 yen
1 user 1,500 yen~



Totara Learn is available for use by purchasing a subscription, not a license.
Subscriptions are valid for one year and have a pricing structure based on the number of users.


QWhat is the difference from other LMS?
Other LMS, especially those for enterprise companies, tend to have high operational costs such as licensing fees in exchange for being multi-functional and versatile. It is often a concern when considering LMS options that they may not be able to accommodate specific customer needs and usage styles through additional features or customization. However, Totara Learn is based on the open-source LMS "Moodle", allowing for enterprise-level functionality while also providing low-cost options and flexible support for feature additions and customization.
QCan I register for blended learning with group training, etc.?
Yes. You can register a learning program that combines various learning contents such as e-learning, group training, tests and surveys, discussions, submission of assignments, and presentation of materials.
QCan I take the course on my smartphone or tablet?
Yes. Totara Learn adopts responsive design, allowing for optimized display on each device.
QCan video content be used?
Yes. In addition to various video content, it is also possible to integrate with web conferencing tools.
QCan languages other than Japanese be used?
Yes. We support 36 languages including Japanese and English.
QCan you support additional features and customization?
Yes. We will utilize our experience in LMS implementation and operation to propose and respond to additional functions and customization tailored to our customers' goals and operational needs.
QWhat is the shortest contract period?
It will be one year.
QIf the number of employees increases during the annual contract, what happens to the subscription fee?
The subscription cost for Totara Learn is determined by the number of registered users. If there are any changes within the current contract, the subscription cost will not change. Please contact us for any changes that exceed or decrease the current contract.
QCan I install and set up Totara Learn by myself?
Installation and initial setup of Totara Learn will be provided through a Totara partner.
QCan you also support migration tasks from existing LMS?
Yes. We will handle tasks such as data migration from existing LMS, transferring course content, and making adjustments and changes to fit your operation. Please contact us for more details.
QIs the subscription fee paid in dollars?
Payment will be made in Japanese yen based on our predetermined conversion rate at the time of use.
QCan you teach me how to submit a report from LMS?
As one of the activities within the course, please select "assignments" and submit various documents such as reports, images, audio, and videos (files). You can also submit reports by directly entering text into a text editor.


Human Science is
the only official partner of TotaraLearn in Japan

Human Science Co., Ltd. has signed a solution partnership contract with Totara Learning Solutions, the only official partner in Japan, and has been providing Totara Learn solutions in Japan since October 2014.
With our extensive experience in migration from various e-learning platforms and our dedicated support as an official partner, we will assist you in implementing your e-learning system.

Introduction to "Totara Learn"

Introducing the service overview and features of Totara Learn, an enterprise-ready Learning Experience Platform (LXP) that adds functionality to meet business needs in a company or organization.


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