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Digital Learning ~ Considering the History and Future Trends of e-Learning ~

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    Moodle Implementation Support and Operation Services
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    In recent years, e-learning has become established as one of the learning styles, but the background of its widespread popularity is due to the existence of many organizations that have been promoting and promoting it. Among them, NPO Digital Learning Consortium is the largest e-learning organization in Japan, and has been promoting the spread of learning using digital technology, including e-learning, for over 20 years.
    We are also a member of this organization.

    In this article, we would like to introduce the Digital Learning Consortium and trace the history of e-learning. In addition, let's predict future market trends while considering the current state of e-learning.

    1. Role of NPO Digital Learning Consortium

    The Digital Learning Consortium (DLC), a non-profit organization, aims to promote the spread of digital learning and the use of digital technology in learning. Its main activities include promoting standardization, establishing guidelines, and providing related information to contribute to the promotion of digital learning.

    Digital Learning Consortium also conducts certification business for qualifications related to digital learning such as "e-Learning Professional (eLP)" and "SCORM Engineer". Human Science has staff who hold these qualifications and provides support to various companies as "e-Learning professionals".

    〈6 Businesses of Digital Learning Consortium〉

    (1) Survey Business
    ・Survey of domestic and international situations related to advanced technology and information and communication technology used in digital learning, teaching methods, human resource development trends, standardization trends, etc.

    (2) Certified Business
    ・Certification of e-Learning Specialists
    ・Certification of e-Learning Content and Systems, and Certification of their Quality

    (3) Research and Development Business
    ・Technology related to digital learning
    ・Research on standardization related to content and other matters
    ・Educational engineering related
    ・Development and verification of practical technology related to operation technology

    (4) Exchange and Proposal Business
    ・Exchange and cooperation activities with related organizations both domestically and internationally with a global perspective
    ・Proposal to the government and support for policy implementation

    (5) Education Business
    ・Improvement of knowledge and know-how of responsible and responsible persons for digital learning
    ・Training of e-learning experts

    (6) Popularization and Awareness Activities
    ・Publicity and dissemination of various information obtained through the above activities, holding events, and publishing books.

    The Digital Learning Consortium, which has been involved in a wide range of businesses and has a history of over 20 years. From fiscal year 2023, we have changed our name from "Japan e-Learning Consortium (abbreviated as eLC)" since its establishment in 2001 to the current corporate name, in order to achieve more effective support for human resource development through the extensive use of digital, including e-learning.

    As a leading force in the development of digital learning, the activities of the Digital Learning Consortium continue to be highly anticipated.

    2. e-Learning that changes with the times

    e-learning is a learning method that was born from the fusion of digital technology and educational innovation. Its roots can be traced back to the 1950s with the emergence of "CAI (Computer-Aided Instruction)". CAI began with the idea of "using computers to support education" and research and development began in various countries around the world, with the United States at the center.
    However, due to technology not keeping up with the ideal system, educational reform through CAI did not progress as expected.

    CAI has greatly developed since the 1990s.

    ■ 1990s ~
    In the 1990s, with the development of personal computers, CAI evolved into CBT (Computer-Based Training). CBT refers to a learning method that mainly uses CD-ROMs as teaching materials, and provides a variety of media such as text, images, audio, and video. In 1995, Windows95, which became explosively popular, was released and personal computers became widespread in households. This established education through CBT.

    ■ Early to mid-2000s
    The term e-learning began to be heard in Japan around 2000. This was partly due to the government's "e-Japan Strategy" and the focus on "e-izing" traditional media such as paper.

    With the popularization of the internet, e-learning has also shifted from CBT to web-based learning. The online learning method is called WBT (Web-Based Training). With the materials now being provided on the web, learners can easily access them anytime and anywhere, such as at home or in the workplace.

    With the spread of WBT, the learning management system (LMS) has become popular, allowing educational institutions and companies to efficiently manage online learning. This was also the time (2001) when the Japan e-Learning Consortium, the predecessor of the Digital Learning Consortium, was launched.

    ■ 2010s ~
    The widespread use of high-speed internet has made video content an important element of e-learning. Lectures, explanations, and demonstrations are provided in video format through platforms such as YouTube and dedicated learning platforms, allowing for a more visual learning experience.

    Furthermore, with the prevalence of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, it has become easier to access e-learning anytime and anywhere, further supporting the feature of "learning anytime, anywhere". As a result, a flexible learning environment that allows learners to learn at their own pace has been further established.

    ■ Late 2010s to 2020s
    With the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, "adaptive learning" has emerged, which analyzes the progress and trends of learners and provides appropriate learning content. This allows for "customized learning" tailored to individual learning styles.

    As such, e-learning has undergone significant evolution alongside technological innovation, bringing about revolutionary changes in the field of education. The power of technology has enabled the provision of learning environments tailored to each individual's learning style, making it possible to acquire knowledge and skills more effectively and efficiently.

    (*) Concept aimed at realizing a Japanese-style IT society set forth by the Japanese government

    3. Current State of e-Learning

    We have looked back on the history of e-learning so far, but e-learning continues to grow day by day due to the evolution of technology and the reform of education. In this chapter, we would like to focus on "the present of e-learning" and explore the current situation.

    ■ The spread continues even after the COVID-19 pandemic
    Due to the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the spread of e-learning has rapidly increased, and many learners have started using online platforms for their studies. This is because face-to-face education and training have been restricted, and online learning has been chosen as an alternative method.

    ■ Expansion of e-Learning Adoption in Corporations
    In the current era of remote work, many corporations are actively adopting e-learning to improve employee skills and streamline training. Courses covering a wide range of topics such as onboarding, compliance training, and leadership development are available, providing effective learning opportunities.

    ■ Evolution of Individualized Instruction through Artificial Intelligence
    Thanks to the advancement of artificial intelligence, it is now possible to provide customized learning based on the progress and skills of the learner. Adaptive learning platforms and AI tutors improve the quality and effectiveness of learning.

    ■ Introduction of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
    By introducing e-learning materials using Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technology, it is now possible to experience highly immersive and realistic simulation experiences, allowing for the acquisition of more practical knowledge and skills. This is particularly effective for training that simulates real-life situations.

    With the spread of the new coronavirus, traditional face-to-face education has been restricted, leading to an increase in demand for e-learning and its rapid spread. It is expected that e-learning will continue to penetrate as one of the important learning methods in the future.

    4. The e-learning market is expected to continue expanding in the future.

    In recent years, the e-learning market has been growing due to the advancement of technology and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This momentum is expected to continue in the future, for the following reasons:

    ■ Global e-Learning Market Predicted to See Significant Growth
    According to research by Kenneth Research, an American market research company that conducts market research reports for various industries, the global e-learning market is expected to see a significant CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) during the forecast period from 2020 to 2027.
    This growth is expected to be driven by the increasing adoption of microlearning and the use of gamification in student education, among other factors.

    ■ Expected growth in both BtoB and BtoC markets
    In the BtoB market, the use of e-learning has become more accessible due to the widespread use of mobile devices and the improvement of video content, and the increasing demand for employee training needs from companies. As a result, e-learning has penetrated into a wide range of industries more than ever before. In addition, the BtoC market is also expected to see an increase in the number of users due to the penetration of learning methods using mobile devices and SNS, the development of various services using ICT (Information and Communication Technology), and the introduction of AI.
    It is expected that both the BtoB and BtoC markets in e-learning will continue to expand in the future.

    The e-learning market has evolved in response to companies and individuals seeking new styles of learning. It is expected to continue to thrive in the future.

    5. Summary

    e-learning, which has made remarkable progress over the past 30 years and has become established as one of the learning methods.
    e-learning, which has evolved from computer-based to web-based, and further to the next-generation learning utilizing AI and VR, has increased its value by providing "high-quality learning" tailored to individual learning styles and needs.

    In the future, it will continue to incorporate the trends of the times and the needs of people, and integrate the latest technology to pioneer new styles of education.
    We cannot take our eyes off the future of e-learning.

    At Human Science, we have a wealth of experience in creating e-learning materials. We utilize our project management expertise to support the planning and design of e-learning. Each project is assigned an experienced project manager and a dedicated team of consultants to provide support until delivery. If you have any concerns about creating learning materials, please feel free to consult with us.

    Please see below for each service.
    Moodle Implementation Support and Operation
    e-Learning Course Development
    e-Learning Course Translation (Multilingual Support, Localization)