What is the method for utilizing ICT education at universities? Explain the methods of utilization with examples!
The use of ICT in educational institutions is becoming more active. In particular, this trend has accelerated even further due to the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many universities are already implementing education using ICT, but in this blog, we will introduce examples and key points of ICT utilization in universities.
1. Utilization of ICT in University
What is ICT
"ICT" stands for "Information and Communication Technology". In Japanese, it is translated as "情報通信技術" (jouhou tsuushin gijutsu). It refers to the use of technology to connect people and things. We use the internet, computers, and smartphones to communicate with others. For example, we send messages to our friends on social media, and conduct online meetings using web conferencing apps. These are concrete examples of utilizing ICT.
The term "IT" (Information Technology) has been used since long ago. This refers to computers and infrastructure, and is often used to refer to the performance of the computer itself, such as resolution, HDD capacity, and internet speed. Since then, various technologies that did not exist at the time of the internet's appearance have emerged, such as "IoT (Internet of Things)", "DX (Digital transformation)", and "AI (Artificial Intelligence)". Due to the evolution of these technologies, the term "IT" has become more appropriate and the term "ICT" is now used to include the meaning of information and communication technology.
ICT utilization is advancing in universities
The situation of ICT utilization in universities can be seen from several survey results.
・LMS usage is increasing
Learning Management Systems (LMS) are being utilized in many universities. Please see the results of this survey.
Regarding the usage and operation status of LMS, we asked for multiple responses to the question "Do you use a Learning Management System (LMS)?" with the options "Using an LMS operated by the entire university", "Using an LMS operated by a department", "Using an LMS operated by individual instructors", and "Not using". The percentage of universities (4-year universities) that have introduced LMS in either the entire university, department, or instructors was 69.2%. This shows that the usage of LMS is progressing at a high rate.
※ "Report on the Results of Research on the Use of ICT in Higher Education Institutions (2nd Edition) July 2020" (Published by AXIES University ICT Promotion Council)
・Video conferencing tools are also being introduced
At many universities, Zoom and Teams are being introduced for the purpose of online classes. The results of the investigation on video conferencing tools are as follows.
Video conferencing services were introduced in the 2020 academic year in conjunction with the implementation of online classes. Therefore, in the 2020 survey, we asked the question, "Does your organization have a contract for and use video conferencing services for the entire university?" As a result, it was found that 89.1% of organizations have implemented it university-wide. Table 3 shows the adoption rate by university size. The sizes are as follows:
Group A: 10,001 or more students
Group B: 5,001-10,000 students
Group C: 3,001-5,000 students
Group D: 1,001-3,000 students
Group E: 1,000 or fewer students
In groups A to D, more than 90% have been introduced. It can be seen that it is introduced in most universities.
※ "Current Status and Long-term Changes in the Scale-based Introduction of ICT Environment in Universities" 2021 (Issued by AXIES University ICT Promotion Council)
・Introduction of academic management, learning support, and student support tools is also progressing
The above report also includes survey results that various tools are being used in the following ICT environment.
ICT Environment for Infrastructure: "Campus Wireless LAN", "Mail System", "Website Management System"
ICT Environment for Academic Administration: "Publication of Syllabus", "Admissions System", "Course Registration System", "Student Information System"
ICT Environment for Academic Support: "Lecture Recording System", "Public Access to Lecture Materials and Videos", "Creation and Provision of Electronic Textbooks"
ICT Environment for Student Support: "Services for Prospective Students", "Installation of Help Desk"
This shows that ICT utilization is advancing in universities, as evidenced by the fact that these tools are being introduced in many universities.
2. How to Utilize ICT in University Education
I found out that ICT is being utilized in universities. So, how exactly is ICT being used in education at universities? Let me introduce you to some of these methods.
First, let's talk about the provision of e-learning courses. We will introduce four examples where universities have built websites based on specific themes and are sharing information from there.
・Hokkaido University OpenCourseWare
On this website, we provide general access to lecture-related information such as videos and lecture materials from university lectures and open courses. You can browse through content that suits your purpose using the keyword search function and the list display function by field. It can be used for self-study as well as in educational settings.
Through the general release of videos and lecture materials, we actively promote the dissemination of knowledge and the appeal of education at home and abroad, and we are also actively working on new initiatives using the Internet.
・Waseda University Extension Center
The Waseda University Extension Center, as the name "Extension" suggests, is an institution that aims to open up the research and educational functions of Waseda University to society. Since its founding, Waseda University has been promoting lifelong learning through the publication of lecture notes for non-students and holding "lecture tours" in various locations. The Extension Center was established in 1981 to continue this tradition. It offers open lectures by Waseda University professors and emeritus professors, as well as leading scholars and professionals, to anyone with a desire to learn. In 1988, the name of the open lectures was changed to "Waseda University Open College" and a unique credit system was introduced. In 2014, the Nakano Campus (in Nakano Ward, Tokyo) was opened, and we continue to strive for further enhancement of lifelong learning through our two-campus system.
・Affiliated School Research Presentation (University of Tsukuba)
The Education Bureau of the University of Tsukuba Affiliated Schools introduces the research and educational practices of each school through on-demand distribution. By sharing and disseminating these achievements, we aim to deepen understanding of the educational research activities of the affiliated schools. In addition, we are strengthening collaboration between affiliated schools, universities, and related organizations to further enhance future educational research.
・Future Outlook Seminar 2020
Osaka Seikei University has been conducting the "Future Outlook Seminar 2020" since the 2020 academic year, targeting professionals and students working at the forefront of companies and organizations. The purpose of this public lecture series, consisting of 8 sessions, is to equip participants with the wisdom to accurately assess global trends and succeed in global competition.
Next, we will introduce three examples of utilizing ICT in classes. Many universities are actively incorporating ICT technology by coming up with various ideas.
・Utilizing Online Materials and LMS (Learning Management System) in Clinical Pharmacy Practice
This is a case study of utilizing online materials in a clinical pharmacy practice at a certain university. In this class, students will practice dispensing, but it is not something that can be mastered in one class, and there may be cases where not all students can observe the teacher's techniques. Therefore, we aim for effective learning by having students preview the online materials beforehand, learn in class, and review any insufficient parts through the online materials again. With online materials, students can study multiple times outside of class as well.
This online course is delivered through LMS. By utilizing LMS, we are able to manage attendance, distribute materials, conduct tests, submit reports, conduct surveys, and manage grades. We make use of many LMS functions to obtain the necessary information for unit certification. The use of LMS has led to a change in which students are now able to meet report submission deadlines. In the past, there were cases where students were unable to submit reports because the teacher was absent, but with LMS, students can submit at any time. Additionally, using LMS allows multiple instructors to collaborate and evaluate reports, making it very effective.
To participate in the training, it is necessary to pass the national unified OSCE exam led by the Pharmaceutical Joint Examination Center, but it seems that no one has failed in the past three years. They feel that learning through video materials and utilizing LMS is very effective.
・Connect to Zoom on your own PC or smartphone
Many classrooms at our university are vertically oriented, so we have installed ceiling-mounted sub-monitors in the middle of the classroom to make the screen easier to see. However, there is a problem where students sitting in the back of the classroom have difficulty seeing the blackboard or screen due to the limited size of the sub-monitors. To address this issue, we introduced a license that can be used by all faculty and students, thinking that it could be solved by utilizing Zoom. Currently, students can connect to Zoom using their own smartphones or PCs, allowing them to easily view the materials displayed on the screen even if they are sitting in the back of the classroom.
Online Exams (IBT) using Moodle and Queue-it
An online exam (IBT: Internet Based Testing) was conducted using Queue-it (waiting room function provided by Queue-it) at a certain university.
>Moodle and IBT - Conducting Online Exams Using the Waiting Room Function
At this university, we have been using an online learning management system with Moodle since before the pandemic to conduct classes. However, for final exams, students were required to come to the school building to take the test. After careful consideration, we have decided to implement online exams. One concern was that when many students start the exam at the same time, there may be a high volume of access to the system, making it difficult for some students to start the exam on time. To prevent server overload, we have prepared a Moodle server to accommodate simultaneous access. In case of unexpected high usage, we have also utilized the Queue-it waiting room feature to avoid server downtime.
If the number of accesses exceeds the limit, students will be directed to the waiting room (waiting screen) and will be guided to the online exam in order of arrival. As a result, the end-of-term exam, which was conducted online for the first time, was able to be completed without confusion. Situations such as "unable to access" or "server down" were avoided. After the exam, logs such as actual access numbers and waiting times can be obtained, so the university can check the usage status and prepare for the next end-of-term exam.
・Share your screen with high-definition images and videos in 4K
There is a practice room on the campus of a certain university. In this practice room, students can learn programming and practical skills, and there are many computers lined up where they can receive information from lectures and instructors. In addition, the environment is well-equipped for information sharing and group work. Instructors can easily share their computer screens with students and promote group work.
"Pair programming" is a method of programming where two people work together. One person is responsible for keyboard input and mouse operations, while the other comes up with ideas, points out mistakes, and asks questions. This method allows for the development of high-quality code and can also reduce production time. Additionally, changing pairs during class can lead to new ideas and contribute to the overall improvement of the class's skills.
At this university, we use dedicated hardware to compress images and perform real-time distribution. This hardware is compatible with high-definition 4k images and is a image transfer system that can be used in CALL classrooms, active learning classrooms, lecture rooms, etc. With compressed distribution, there is less delay and information can be shared in real time.
The instructor's computer screen can be displayed next to the student's, allowing them to learn programming together while watching the instructor's work. For example, in a class on controlling electronic circuits, the instructor explains the source code while showing the circuit's operation. This image distribution system enables easy-to-understand classes for students.
3. Key Points for Utilizing ICT in University Education
Here are three useful points for utilizing ICT in university education.
Point 1: Choose easy-to-use tools and ensure operational support
As an ICT tool, there is an online conference system. The representative tool "Zoom" is used by many people. Earlier, I introduced "Connecting to Zoom on your PC or smartphone", but it seems that there was no need to explain how to use it when introducing Zoom. Preparing a manual to explain the operation and how much burden it will be for inquiry support are important factors for tool selection.
Another commonly used ICT tool is LMS (Learning Management System). The most widely used LMS in Japanese universities is "Moodle". Moodle is open-source software, which has the major advantage of not being dependent on a specific vendor. If you use a product from a specific vendor, you may need to find a new LMS and start from scratch if you want to change vendors or if support for that product is discontinued. However, with Moodle, you can continue to use it and simply request operational support from a different vendor.
>What are the benefits of open source LMS "Moodle"?
Point 2: Increase Student Motivation
How can we utilize ICT to enhance students' motivation to learn? "Learning motivation" refers to the willingness and interest to learn on one's own when studying. Learning motivation can be divided into intrinsic motivation (motivation that comes from within oneself) and extrinsic motivation (motivation that is driven by external factors).
For example, if you fail to earn credits in a required course, external factors (the obligation to earn credits) can serve as motivation. However, this is something that must be done, not something that students truly want to do.
To enhance learning motivation, the ARCS model can be helpful. The ARCS model emphasizes the importance of learner's attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. By utilizing these elements, it is expected to improve learning motivation. Using ICT, efforts can be made to stimulate learners' interest, convey the significance of learning, build confidence, and create a sense of satisfaction.
To capture the interest of learners, incorporate elements that are interesting. It is important to avoid boring content and make learners feel "this seems interesting".
It is important for the learning objectives and tasks to be relevant to the learners. Let's make sure that learners can actively engage in their growth and goals.
Let's build up successful experiences for learners and give them confidence. It is important to choose materials that make learners feel that their success is due to their own efforts and to make them believe that they can do it.
Let's make sure not to waste the results of our learning. The goal is to praise and recognize learners who have achieved their goals, and to provide fair evaluations that make them think, "I'm glad I did it."
Point 3: Recognize that ICT is just a tool
ICT is a tool used in educational settings. However, in order to maximize its effectiveness, it is important for teachers to have strong instructional skills. When using ICT, teachers should consider the following:
・Selection and Utilization of Teaching Materials
Teaching materials refer to textbooks, handouts, and online materials used in class. When using ICT, it is important for teachers to choose appropriate teaching materials. They select materials that align with learning objectives and make efforts to engage students' interests.
・Lesson Planning and Design
Lesson planning is the process of considering the flow and content of a lesson. When conducting a lesson using ICT, teachers must take into account the needs and learning styles of their students. They design when and how to use ICT in the lesson.
・Learner Support
In a learning environment using ICT, there is a role to support students in using ICT appropriately. Teachers teach students how to use ICT and provide support by answering questions.
・Evaluation and Feedback
When using ICT for assignments and evaluations, teachers will conduct fair and appropriate evaluations. They also provide feedback to students to improve the quality of learning.
ICT is a useful tool in the education field, but it is important to recognize that effective use of it relies on the teaching skills of educators.
4. Summary
ICT utilization is being promoted in educational institutions, but simply using ICT does not necessarily improve the quality of education. It is necessary to carefully consider in which situations and how to use it, and what effects can be expected. Knowledge-hungry children and young people are already proficient in using ICT, gaining a lot of knowledge and creating new things. This trend will continue to accelerate in the future. I hope this blog will be helpful to those who are already active in the education field using ICT.
At Human Science Co., Ltd., we fully support the use of ICT in educational institutions and companies. We provide comprehensive support from educational material creation to the introduction and operation of LMS. Please feel free to contact us.
>Moodle Implementation Support and Operation
>e-Learning Material Creation
>e-Learning Material Translation (Multilingual Support, Localization)
Moodle Implementation and Operation Guide

We explain the process of introducing and operating Moodle.
For the introduction and operation of Moodle, please leave it to Human Science, the official partner. We also introduce many achievements in Moodle implementation support.
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