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Introduction of Vyond's New Features (August-September 2024)

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    Vyond is an animation video creation tool used by 65% of Fortune 500 listed companies. By utilizing Vyond, you can create animated videos for various purposes such as business presentations, educational content, and marketing videos. Recently, Vyond has added some new features. In this blog, we will introduce the new features of Vyond.

    1. Basics of Vyond

    Vyond is a cloud service specialized in animation production. With thousands of templates, characters, objects, and BGM materials to choose from, you can easily create animated videos with a story in a short amount of time. The main features of Vyond are as follows:

    ■ Easy Operation:

    You can create animated videos using the same operations as creating PowerPoint slides.

    ■Abundant Materials:

    You can create original videos using a variety of templates and characters that are available.

    ■AI Generation (Vyond Go):

    AI is incorporated and by simply inputting prompts (instructions), it automatically generates animations (including characters and voices). For more details, please see the following blog.

    Tips and Best Practices for Vyond Go (AI Video Generation) ① Vyond Go Setup Guidelines
    Tips and Best Practices for Vyond Go (AI Video Generation) ② Vyond Go Examples in Action

    2. AI Avatar (Released in August 2024)

    Over 30 types of AI avatars have been added. You can generate AI voices from scripts and have them read aloud. Of course, there are various materials available that support multiple languages, so not only can you create them in Japanese, but you can also easily translate them into other languages.

    AI avatars are an optional service. For details on pricing and how to use them, please contact us.

    ■How to Use

    Videos using AI avatars are generated as follows:
    ① Select an AI avatar
    ② Enter a script to generate audio
    ⇒ Avatar video will be generated!

    3. Image Generation AI (Released)

    You can use AI to generate objects including background images, objects, and animals. As of September 2024, there are six styles available, but more styles will be added in the future.

    Implemented Styles (as of September 2024)

    Block print, Paper art, Gradient vector, Colorist, Photo realism, Concept art

    How to Use

    Here is how to generate images with AI.

    ① Click on "Text to image" → "Image Generation"
    ② Specify the desired image with text
    ③ Select the style of the image
    ⇒ Click on "GENERATE" to generate the image!

    4. Smartphone App (Partially Released)

    With Vyond Go, you can generate AI animations, create characters and materials from photos you have taken, and use some editing functions on your smartphone.
    You can also take photos and record your screen (recordings of your actions).

    ※Please confirm your company's operating rules (such as BYOD device usage permission) when using a smartphone.
    ※You can download it from the App Store (for iOS) or Google Play Store (for Android).

    5. Webcam Recording & Screen Recording (Released on August 29)

    Recording of webcam footage and screen recording (recording of operation videos) is possible. Of course, it is possible to combine with functions such as "AI avatar" mentioned above, allowing for various expressions.

    ※You can also upload videos directly from your smartphone using the "smartphone app" mentioned above.

    6. Add logo to costume: Enterprise plan only (scheduled for release)

    (Available from September 20, 2024)

    You can add your company's logo and images to the character's clothing at no additional cost.

    ※This feature is only available for Enterprise plans.
    ※For Enterprise plans, we also offer a creation service for original characters and backgrounds as an option. Please see here for more details.

    Introducing Vyond's Enterprise plan, perfect for corporate use such as education and marketing.

    7. New Features of Vyond Go (Scheduled Release)

    (Available from September 20, 2024)

    Vyond Go, which allows you to create animations in just a few minutes/steps using generated AI, is constantly being updated. The latest updates are as follows:

    ●PDF, Word, and PPT can now be loaded as attachments.
    ●It is now possible to faithfully reproduce according to the specified scenario.
    ●It is now possible to set three or more characters.

    Others (Released)

    The following are the new features other than those listed above.

    ■Export Function by Scene:
    Previously, it was possible to export MP4 or GIF animations by editing file units, but now it is possible to select specific scenes and export them. This is useful when creating multiple versions of short videos.

    ■Image Processing Function:
    The background removal function for images has been improved. It is now able to accurately detect and cut out fine elements such as hair.

    ■Subtitle Function:
    The subtitle formatting function has been expanded, allowing for the setting of font size. Additionally, settings such as text color, subtitle background color, and transparency are now available.

    8. Summary

    This time, we introduced the new features of Vyond. With these features, Vyond has become even more user-friendly and allows for creative video production. Let's use these new features to create attractive animated videos for various purposes.

    At Human Science, we have a wide range of experience in not only live-action video production, but also animation video production. In addition, we offer animation video production services through Vyond and became a certified reseller in 2023. Let us introduce the benefits of introducing Vyond through Human Science.

    ・Enhanced Support
    We can provide support for pre- and post-purchase procedures, as well as offer training courses and assist with communication with Vyond (in English). We can also support the creation of educational content based on your requests.
    Vyond (animation production) sales

    ・Numerous e-learning production achievements
    We have a lot of experience in creating effective animations using our know-how, not limited to Vyond.
    Vyond Animation Production Agency

    The enhancement of educational content using animation videos is expected to become even more necessary in the future. As a result, we can expect various animation video production tools to continue to emerge and their functions to become more advanced. The use of AI will also continue to advance. In such a situation, Vyond will continue to be utilized worldwide as the optimal tool for creating animation teaching materials. In order to further utilize this useful tool in more companies, Human Science is offering a 2-week free trial. Please feel free to contact us.

    In addition, Human Science provides a variety of services related to educational content, from in-house support to the production of animation videos and teaching materials. We would be happy to discuss with you. We also support various tools, not just Vyond, for production.
    Human Science: e-Learning Services

    In addition, Human Science has a large number of achievements in manual creation for various products and services. Among them, there are also achievements in creating introduction videos for products and services, as well as user education content. From proposing and creating manuals and training texts to proposing and creating educational content, we can provide one-stop support. Please feel free to consult with us.

    Human Science: Manual Creation Service
    Moodle Implementation Support and Operation
    e-Learning Material Creation
    e-Learning Material Translation (Multilingual Support, Localization)