Introduction Support and Operation

LMS Moodle, used all over the world.

Moodle is a learning management system (LMS) that provides features for both face-to-face classes and e-learning. Developed in Australia, it is distributed under the GNU General Public License and is community-based.
It is a globally used LMS, with support for 239 countries, 210 languages, and over 400 million users.
As it is open-source software, it is a cost-effective education platform that does not require any licensing fees.

Benefits of Choosing Moodle

LMS (Learning Management System) used all over the world

Moodle is an open-source software LMS (Learning Management System) that is globally used and supports multiple languages. It is widely adopted worldwide, with over 210 languages, 239 countries, and more than 400 million users, and is installed on approximately 160,000 sites. As a world-standard LMS, you can use it with confidence.

Supports 210 languages



Operated in 239 countries



Over 400 million people use it

4100 million people

Above is used

Installed on 160,000 sites



※Number of postings on (as of 2021/10/01)

Open source software with free licensing fees

Moodle is open source software and is provided free of charge. It is provided under the terms of the GPL (GNU General Public License). There is no license fee, so there is a cost merit.
It is being used by companies with a high turnover of employees, such as part-time and temporary workers.
Although it is open source, it has all the necessary functions as an LMS. In addition, it is reassuring to use because the version updates are frequent and there are many users.

No.1 in popularity at domestic universities

Moodle is the No.1 LMS in terms of popularity in domestic universities. It boasts a share of about 40%, making it the top share among LMSs.
In addition, it is widely used not only in universities but also in public organizations and companies due to its ease of use.


  • ・Viewing training/class materials
  • ・Download Training/Lesson Materials
  • ・Attendance for Training/Lessons
  • ・Workshop
  • ・Group/Individual Forum Interactions
  • ・Question
  • ・Survey
  • ・Today's ToDo
  • ・Report / Assignment Submission
  • ・Test
  • ・Private File

Learning Administrator

  • ・Attendance Management
  • ・Online Training/Lessons
  • ・Upload of training/class materials
  • ・Grade Management
  • ・Report/Task Management
  • ・Report/Assignment Grading and Evaluation
  • ・Implementation of testing
  • ・Test Quality Analysis
  • ・Progress Management Report
  • ・Completion Certificate
  • ・Open Badge
  • ・GDPR
  • ・SSO
  • ・MFA (Two-Factor Authentication)
  • ・Advice in group/individual forums
  • ・Feedback

Easy to add functions

Leveraging the strengths of being open source, it is possible to add necessary functions through official plugins developed by existing third parties (over 2,000 are registered on Moodle sites) or through new plugin development.
Plugin development can be requested by our company, and it is also possible for customers to develop and introduce them on their own.

Cost Merits for Large-Scale Utilization

Moodle is an open-source system, so there is no usage fee based on the number of users. Therefore, the larger the usage, the more cost benefits there are.

Multi-device support


Moodle is compatible with multiple devices. Therefore, it is possible to take courses not only on a PC, but also on tablets and smartphones. Moodle adopts responsive design, so you can use it with the optimal layout even from tablets and smartphones.


Moodle Usage Scenarios by Assignment

LMS (Learning Management System) used all over the world


Moodle Features

Main Features

  • User Management/Permission Management

  • Course Creation

  • Course Registration(SCORM/Quizzes/Surveys/Report Submission/Voting/File Attachment, etc.)

  • Communication

  • Course Management (Course Expiration Setting/Usage Restrictions/Grading Function)

  • Log Management

  • Authentication Linkage

  • Plugin Functionality

  • Click to enlarge


    You can view the display and progress rate of the course you are taking. If you have teacher authority, you can check the score status of each content.

  • Click to enlarge

    Test Function

    Multiple choice, multiple selection, free response, and various other question formats are supported.

  • Click to enlarge

    Report Function

    You can submit your report using Word files or through an online form. There are no restrictions on the type of file.

Recommended Operating Environment

Number of Users Approximately 500 people HDD 100GB
OS Linux Middleware Web Server: Apache or Nginx (php-fpm)
vCPU 2 cores Language PHP
Memory 4GB Database PostgreSQL or MySQL or MariaDB

*In case of on-premises environment

Comparison between Moodle and other LMS


Moodle is an open-source e-learning system with over 250 million users across educational institutions and companies.
A major feature is its high customizability. Flexible customization tailored to the individual goals and needs of each course is possible, allowing it to accommodate any class size, from small courses to large ones.
Additionally, it comes with a highly versatile editor that makes it easy to incorporate images and videos, enabling the straightforward creation of teaching materials. Furthermore, it is compatible with smartphones and tablets, allowing learners to comfortably attend lectures anytime and anywhere.

・Smartphone and tablet compatibility
・Calendar function
・Confirmation of learning progress
・Customization of logo and color scheme
・Multilingual support
・User permission restrictions
・Regular security updates
・Course and student group management
・Grade management
・Evaluation function using rubrics


[Function for Administrators]
・User management for administrators, instructors, and learners
・Partial management authority granted to general users
・CSV import function for each information

【Features for Instructors】
・Creation and editing of teaching materials and tests
・Confirmation of attendance status
・Grade management
・Creation of journals
・Course discussions

【Features for Participants】
・Viewing information on courses taken
・Uploading assignments


・Compliance tracking
・Course tracking and management
・Social learning
・Learning paths
・Simultaneous learning
・Portal site
・Mobile learning
・Embedded course creation
・Certificates and licenses
・Group training
・Asynchronous e-learning


Frequently Asked Questions about Moodle

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

QCan you provide support for introducing e-learning for the first time?
Human Science Co., Ltd. provides Moodle implementation support.
We will make proposals that are suitable for your environment.
>>Implementation Support
QIf we want to build Moodle on our in-house server, can we just ask for installation work?
We also support installation work only.
In addition to setting up Moodle after installation, we also offer version upgrades, customization, administrator support, and operation and maintenance services. Please contact us for more information.
>>Introduction Support and Version Upgrades
>>Operation Support
QCan we ask for maintenance and operation even if we have already introduced Moodle?
Yes, we can. We also offer Moodle function settings, version upgrades, customization, administrator support, and operation and maintenance services, so please contact us.
>>Implementation Support and Version Upgrades
>>Operation Support
QWill I be able to use Moodle even if I have no experience with it?
At our company, we provide support services to help our customers utilize Moodle. We offer assistance through seminars, manuals, inquiry support, and help desks. We also provide support for operation and utilization only. Please feel free to contact us for more details.
>>Introduction Support and Version Upgrades
>>Operation Support
QI am looking for a secure e-learning system, how about Moodle?
Moodle is updated approximately every 2 months to address vulnerabilities and security issues. Additionally, a major version update is performed about once every 3 years, adding new features. While Moodle is open-source software, it is a well-maintained LMS.

Human Science's Moodle Implementation Support Service

No.1 in Japan for Moodle implementation.
Get support for Moodle implementation from Human Science Co., Ltd.

Human Science Co., Ltd. aims to provide a stable Moodle environment with a strong team of Moodle professionals.
We strive to offer all necessary services to achieve our customers' goals.


We will provide a total proposal tailored to your situation and needs.

Proposal Examples

Server Specs / Server Configuration / Choosing a Hosting Service / Installing on an On-Premise Server / Moodle Settings / Lectures / Moodle Cloud Service and more

For safer operation
When there is expected to be a lot of access, we will tune Moodle's performance. This will maximize the use of server resources and also help with future enhancement plans.

Features of Human Science's Moodle service

1. Top Moodle Performance in Japan

● Project: 866 or more

● Corporations, Schools, Organizations: Over 80 cases

We started supporting Moodle implementation in 2007.
Through years of education system implementation and operation support, we have cultivated skills and know-how. We provide Moodle implementation and operation support to various types and situations of customers.

2. Moodle Official Partner

In 2017, we received certification from the Australian Moodle headquarters and became an official Moodle partner.
Only companies with expertise and achievements in building and developing Moodle are certified.
Certified companies exist all over the world, but there are only a few in Japan.

>> Moodle Implementation and Operation Support Service is available here

● Meaning of being a Moodle official partner

  • - Our plugin development achievements and technical capabilities are recognized and certified as official partners.
  • ・Official partner site is now available for viewing, and you can obtain the necessary information for Moodle implementation and operation.
  • ・You can make requests to Moodle Head Quarter and they can be reflected in future Moodle development.

3. A reliable operational structure you can trust

Human Science Co., Ltd. aims to provide a stable Moodle environment with a strong team of Moodle professionals.
We strive to offer all necessary services to achieve our customers' goals.

Implementation Support Team

We will propose how Moodle can be used according to the customer's purpose.

Construction Team

We will build Moodle according to your needs, such as number of users and frequency of use.

Development Team

As needed, we will customize Moodle itself and develop external plugins.

Operations Team

We provide seminars on how to use Moodle, as well as support for any questions you may have about how to use it. This includes providing a QA site and responding to inquiries via email or phone.

4. Flexible support for all operational scales

From small-scale usage to usage of up to 100,000 people, we provide services tailored to our customers' needs based on our extensive track record.

>> Moodle Implementation and Operation Support Service

>> Achievements in Moodle construction, utilization support, and operation support

>> Moodle, Totara Learn Implementation and Operation Support Service Cost

>> Frequently Asked Questions

Moodle Useful Information

Support for Moodle implementation and operation
For those who want to know more

Tokyo Headquarters: +81 35-321-3111

Reception hours: 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM JST